I have a lot of trouble coming up with a title for the blog. I have come several times to write something and get too caught up in coming up with a title that I can't write anything!
The past few days have gone well. Casey has had all of his testing and auditions and will start classes Thursday of this week. He only has to take a music history leveling course and a piano proficiency course...so that's not too bad considering all of his undergrad courses were about 10 years ago. His auditions went really well...and I am so proud of him. He was accepted to sing with the Chamber Chorale, which is limited to only 12 students. It comes along with a scholarship too and opportunities for travel and touring during the summer. He auditioned with 3 pieces, one was English, one French and one in German...and boy, can he sing! He is taking a full load of courses and lessons and has a pretty full schedule.
Last Sunday we visited a church that we really liked. We are planning on going back this Sunday too and will try a Bible study class as well. The church runs about 1200 in attendance each Sunday...it's pretty big. The worship was amazing...not just the worship team and choirs, but the congregation singing...you could tell they truly had a heart for the Lord. Before we moved down here I read an article about how to find a good/healthy church. The author gave two things to look for...1) are the people singing - reflects their desire to worship and their spiritual growth...2) what happens at the end of the service, do people stick around and visit (especially with the pastor) or do people vacate as soon as possible - this reflects their relationships with one another and with the pastor. Using these two criteria I would say that Wedgewood Baptist is a healthy church. We were even impressed that that sr. pastor called us on Sunday afternoon and then came to visit us on Monday night.
The boys are making good friends. They have played outside (in 98+ degree weather!) everyday this week. Yesterday there were some boys dressed up as Spiderman and Batman. Josiah got so excited and opened the door and yelled, "Just a minute guys." He closed the door and started sputtering words to me and I just said told him to go get his costume. He came barreling down the stairs and out the door looking so proud and excited to show off his Bibleman costume. They played most of the rest of the afternoon together.
And, as promised, today we took the boys to Chuck E Cheese for a belated birthday celebration for Josiah. It was our first time to one of those, and I was pleasantly surprised by how courteous the staff was and how clean everything was. I was not looking forward to it, but we all had a really good time and it wasn't even too expensive with our coupons.
And, lastly, tonight we will be going for an interview at a church. Last week Casey was talking with one of the security guards (who is also a pastor/seminary student) and was encouraged to send in a resume for their worship leader position. They want to meet us as a family, so we will all be going to that tonight. They are really excited about Casey, but I'm not sure that it will be the right place for us...we will see though. After sending his resume and setting up an interview time the pastor sent the job description...it is part time (good), worship (all good) and youth (not so good) and occasional preaching (bad, real bad). I guess we will just see how it turns out tonight.
Well, I guess that should get everyone up to date with the week. I'll try to post more often and ignore the whole "title" thing so the posting aren't so long!