Sunday, June 5, 2011

Something special

Have you ever been given a gift or a word or encouragement JUST when you needed it?  Like maybe somebody new what EXACTLY you needed.  I did, today!  I've had a rough week.  I've complained (a lot) the last couple of weeks.  Maybe not always in word, but definitely in attitude.    Well, I think the Lord had enough of my grumbling and successfully revealed that to me this morning.  This past week we started a new series for Bible Study on Jacob, the deceiver and manipulator.  Through the week I've seen where I try to get my way (hello manipulation!) when I don't like the way things are going.  Sure, I'm not trying to steal a blessing or birthright, but I can still dress up like the best of them and wear false smiles and hide behind "religious" activity (hello deceiver!).  Anyway, I love how the Lord takes what I've been reading and studying and wrestling with during the week and then just kind of knocks me down a bit with His word.  No, it doesn't exactly "feel" good at the time, but then again it's the best "feeling" I know. 
Have I lost you yet? 
Maybe I can explain it this way.  The God of the universe, who created all things, and controls all things, who sees and knows all things, who holds all things together in the care of His hands, this great God loves me enough that HE knows EXACTLY what I need AND He gives it to me.  God gives the best gifts.  Sometime that best gift is a little bit of discipline through correction.  Today I needed a bit of an attitude adjustment...and let's just say I got it!  Our pastor said this morning that we can live in 3 different ways:  in Egypt (bondage to sin), in the wilderness (where we see God providing every need and yet we constantly complain and grumble and MISS God's best-that hit a little close to home), or in the promised land (where we face giants and do battle, but have abundant life because we are walking in the Spirit).  I'll take what's behind door #3.