Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Handling Criticism and Difficult People

That was the topic of my class last night presented by Susie Hawkins. It was so good and really something I needed to hear...and wish I had years ago.

Part of becoming a wise person (see Proverbs) is learning to hear rebuke correctly and not flying off the handle when it comes (and it will come).

Here are some things to consider, according to Mrs. Hawkins when you've received criticism or rebuke.
1. Consider the source - Who said it?
  • Is it someone who has your best interest at heart or a chronic complainer
2. Check your motives - why did you do or say what you did?
  • were your motives pure? why did you do/say it that way? were you promoting self/selfish ambitions
  • can we be truly objective about ourselves
  • remember that there is no end in our ability to justify ourselves (not a good thing)
3. Evaluate the Criticism - if possible say it back and be sure you heard it right!
  • don't read more into it than was said!
  • Is there ANY truth in the criticism?
  • Can I learn anything from it? maybe something can be done differently next time
  • Is it a moral/theological issue? Are your words/actions hurting others?
  • Does it really matter (to God)?
Some conflicts have no resolution - confess when you are wrong - be thankful (not prideful) when you know you are right.
Lastly, what do you do about people who will never give you the approval you want so badly? Minimize contact and don't give them that power over you!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Well, the title sums it up. I've never liked Walgreens, but I thought I'd give them a try, just one more time. This weekend I looked over the flier, saw that they had some good deals, matched them up with my coupons, etc. Today I went with my list and my two helpers (who are not really great helpers when I'm feeling frustrated). I had fourteen items on my list. It was going to cost about $57, but then I had coupons that would have taken about $10 off and then the real incentive was the rebates at the register ($ you can use at your next purchase). The rebates added up to about $26 dollars. Sounds like a GREAT deal! OK, I arrive and start looking at my list...and then the store flier...and then my list...I wander the aisles...check my list...etc. The problem? They didn't have most of the items listed in the flier! They only had 6 of the 14 items on my list! And, the signs weren't very clear, so I had to price check several items before I found the one on sale.... At the register I pay about $33...well, we also needed some bug spray, so that brought the total up a bit, but I didn't have most of the rebate items I wanted to get. Then I get my rebates and there is one missing...the $5 one! I had moved out of the way to figure out what was missing and then had to go wait in line at customer service. They couldn't get it to print out a rebate, so I just returned the item. I did leave with $6 in rebates and I'll be sure to use them...but then I'm done with Walgreen's. I put in way too much effort to get a great deal and it turned out just okay. So, my total spent ended up being about $25 and I have $6 in rebates to use sometime in the future.

Monday, September 21, 2009

New church home

Well, it's official...we've found a new church home and have asked for membership at Wedgwood Baptist Church. The one thing I was most worried/concerned about moving down here was finding another church to call "home." I am so thankful that God had a place for us...I shouldn't be surprised, but sometimes His ways just amaze me!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Life and Death

Ten years ago a man walked into Wedgwood Baptist church with the intention of killing as many people as possible. He had over 200 rounds of ammunition and a couple of pipe bombs. He came in looking for the adult prayer meeting, but found a room full of teenagers celebrating and worshipping at a See You at the Pole concert. He opened fire, killing 7 and himself and wounding many others. I remember hearing about that event 10 years ago and honestly, it totally shook me to my core. One young college girl who died was my age at the time.
Now, ten years later, the Lord has brought us to that very church. It was on my "list" of churches to visit, but honestly, the shooting hadn't even crossed my mind...I had forgotten about it. Our neighbors told us about it the week we were first going to attend. I could feel my anxiety start to rise and thought...I don't think I will feel comfortable going to a place where something like that happened. We went though and as soon as I walked through the doors, that thought was a distant memory. Worship was so real, so heartfelt, it was like the whole place really had one heart to worship the Lord. We've been to churches with good music, good preaching, etc., but to be where people are really engaged in worship with one heart is something that can't be manufactured, even by the best of programs or performances.
We've gone back on three different Sundays now, and tried different service times, but the attitude of worship and the Lord's presence is there like nothing I've ever experienced before. Last night we attended the service of remembrance for the 10th anniversary of the shooting. The place was packed with officers, city officials, church members and other churches who helped out in the time of need...most importantly though, the Lord was there. He is the one who brings healing and victory. Pastor Al has said that Wedgwood has become a healing church, where the wounded and brokenhearted have come for healing and ministry. It is not the church that heals necessarily, but the work of the Lord through the church. When life and death is set before you everything else becomes trivial.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thunder, lightening and trains, oh my!

I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but we live really close to the train tracks. Really close. I'm thankful that we don't live quite as close as others in student housing, but lets just say that if I'm outside when the train goes by I can read most of the signage (or graffiti) on the side. Everyone says, oh, you won't hear them after a while. Well, that's partly true...unless you are having problems getting to sleep! They come by frequently, and it's not the noise of the engine that's the problem, it's the whistle/horn! So, at every road crossing (which we are of course also very close to) the trains will blow the whistle. Some whistles are nice and short, but others just lay on the horn through the whole way through Fort Worth, I think!
Anyway, last night I was up much later than usual and had problems going to sleep. I was just drifting off, when the train came by...a few minutes later, another. Who knew so many trains went through after midnight? I think a may have drifted off a little bit around 2 am.
Then, the bombs started going off, well, it was thunder really, but it sounded like buildings were being destroyed right outside my window. It was so loud...and of course, thunder like that is accompanied by strobe lights...I mean lightening. This went on for about an hour. It was totally crazy, and did I mention the buckets of water hitting our roof too??? The storms here are just amazing...and frequent. I think we've had thunder storms every Thursday and Friday since we've moved here...
I think I finally drifted off to sleep sometime after 3 am...but 8:30 (when I woke up!) still seemed way to early! The boys are so tired today they are like zombies. Josiah is playing with legos and every once in a while it gets really quiet so I look over and he's just staring off into space. Ethan said he was too tired to hold his pencil (for school) so he has headed back to bed to read and rest already this morning. Hopefully tonight's storm won't be nearly as spectacular.
The video is from last weeks was pretty mild compared to last night...

Campus Picnic and Church Fair

Last night Southwestern hosted a campus picnic and church fair for all students, faculty and families. Chick-fil-A brought in yummy chicken sandwiches for everyone and there was plenty of water and sweet tea provided too. We walked over to the event, only about 1/4 to 1/2 of a mile probably, but it was so hot and muggy it felt like it was much further. We enjoyed our picnic with another couple, Adam and Danielle. Adam is Casey's accountability partner for his spiritual formation class and he is also in a couple of other classes too.
After dinner we wandered through all the tents set up by various churches in the area (all Southern Baptist). It is amazing to me how diverse some of them were and yet still fundamentally align themselves under the same SBC name. We now have water bottles, t-shirts, pens, popcorn, cotton candy and a variety of other goodies, not too mention all the cd's and fliers to look through. It was fun though and really great to make some more connections.
The boys waited patiently while we talked with everyone we wanted too (of course being bribed with cookies and candy along the way helped) and then we took them to the bouncy area. They had brought in about a dozen inflatables for the kids to play on or in, the boys enjoyed that. I was happy to stay and visit and let the boys play, but Casey had lots of homework hanging over his head, so we headed home.