Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'll just get right to the point:  Please pray us through the month of April...and the first part of May. 

The calendar is starting April 1st and going through Mother's day weekend full.  I like having stuff going on, but sometimes the busy-ness drives me crazy.  Like activities for activity sake?  Okay...that's another post altogether, but here is a snippet of what's going on.

Here's the normal stuff which fills our week just fine on it's own:
Work - Classes (papers and finals) - Homeschool - Church

Here's the extra... on top of the normal:  mostly for Casey, but we all feel it.
Easter musicals (x2) - concerts (for school) - trip to NY - extra rehearsals for all the musicals/concerts -


Friday, March 18, 2011

Who knew?

Who knew getting a driver's license in Texas would be so difficult?  Well, it is...for Casey anyway.  He spent the last few days going over everything he would need to renew his license.  Including getting all the Texas inspections ($$) done on the van and new license plates ($$).  Did I mention the $$ it cost just to register the van?  This morning he was up early (before I was up) and out the door to wait in line.  He came home...defeated.  Apparently, a copy of his birth certificate is not sufficient even though he had his current WA license, social security card and all the other forms filled out.  Seriously?  Yes!  So, now we are a week out till his license expires and this is not good!  Geesh! 

Now what?

Monday, March 14, 2011


I erased all my rant about the apartment we are (were) applying to rent.  It's not looking like it's going to work...long story, but of course I'll share if you really want to know. :>)
Looks like we are staying put a little while longer.

In other news, we officially have a Texas registered van...goodbye Washington license plates.  We were content living as "students," but Casey's license is expiring and he wants to keep his CDL endorsement when he gets his Texas license.  I guess that means I should change my license too...hmmmm.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'd like you to meet someone.  She is very special and already holds a special piece of my heart.  I don't know much about her past, but I know God holds her future.

She was born Sept. 4, 2009.  Her parents, if they are both still alive, are poor.  Not poor by U.S. standard...but poverty, starving...that kind of poor.  Her parents loved her so much they brought her and her older sister to an orphanage in the hopes that they'd have a better life.  Just recently the girls arrived at God's Littlest Angels (GLA) because the orphanage they were at was not able to care for all the children they had.

GLA is an orphanage in Haiti.  It is special to us because we know some sweet little kids who lived there before coming "home" to their forever family.  I'll just link the website, and challenge you to read for yourself.  If it doesn't touch your heart, at least a little, well, I just don't know what to say.  Honestly, I stopped reading the blog for was just too much.  I would sit in front of the computer and weep and pray and weep some more.  My heart is burdened for orphans...especially these ones.

A few weeks ago I started reading the blog again and got "caught up" a bit on all that's going on there.  Haiti is open for adoptions again.  That is good.  However, there is a need for forever families to adopt the children!

Rose Myrtha and her sister are two of the many who are waiting for their forever families.  We have the privilege of sponsoring Rose Myrtha until she is adopted (hopefully with her sister). We are praying for this sweet little girl.

Rose Myrtha - Feb 15, 2011   23lbs.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Mondays - Part 2

A few weeks ago I posted about how hard Mondays were for us.  Mostly, because Sundays are SO long and many Saturdays are busy...we are just plain tired by the time Monday rolls around.  My mom emailed me after I posted last time and suggested we take Mondays as our day of rest.  What?  I can do that?  Yes I Can!  I think I just needed permission...or someones suggestion to do it without feeling like a homeschool mom failure.  (There is a lot of pressure on homeschool parents to NOT mess up - coming from ourselves and those who watch us with critical eyes just waiting for an opportunity to tell us why homeschooling is "harmful" to our kids). 

The last several weeks we have had no school on Mondays...and it's been WONDERFUL!!!  I think we just needed a day to, well, rest.  Another reason I love's flexible.  So, I just want to say thank you to my mom for suggesting we take a day off.  Because my mom suggested it, I don't feel guilty for doing it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

9 years

It's a little hard to believe, but my firstborn is 9 years old today!  Since Sundays are always a little busy and crazy, we celebrated a little through out the whole week.  Today after church went to the boys Upward basketball celebration.  It was actually a LOT of fun!  They had a comedian/magician and he was really good.  He brought one of the players on stage (a seven year old) who was so chatty and said the funniest things.  I laughed so hard I started to cry!  After it was over I took the boys to one of our favorite places, Barnes & Noble.  I let them pick out a couple of books and then we headed over to Kroger to pick up a few groceries for the week.  Now, we are home for a couple of hours of Wii time before bedtime.  That's right, I said "Wii" time!  This past week we received a very sweet card and check in the mail for a Wii!  And yes, I cried about that's a habit of mine.  I ordered it on Amazon and it was here within 2 days and just in time for Ethan's birthday!
Here's some pictures of my sweet birthday boy through the years.  He is such a blessing to me!