Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Adventures of flying with kids

The boys and I have arrived in Seattle, WA.  We are staying a few days with grandma and grandpa McCarthy at their home about an hour north of Seattle.  We will stay until Friday when we'll head to Spokane (six hour drive) for the weekend for my brothers wedding.  Next week we'll spend a couple of days in Wenatchee visiting friends and then be in Ellensburg with my family and friends over the Labor Day weekend.  After that we'll spend a few more days in Wenatchee and then head on back to the McCarthy's.

Our flight Tuesday left at 7:15 am so we were up early.  We got up at 4 am to get ready, left for the airport at 5 am and arrived at 5:40 am.  At the security check point Josiah's back pack caused a little stir with the security.  His backpack was searched because a dagger shaped item was detected on the ex-ray.  They found his toy airplane.  It has a metal body (shaped like a dagger?) and rubber wings, which did not show on the scan.  Other than that, it was good.  We got checked in and waited for our boarding time at 6:45 am.  This was the first plane ride for the boys, so it was all pretty exciting (for them).  I do not like to fly, at all, period.  But I guess I just have to sometimes.  I think I held it together pretty well.  After we got seated on the plane Josiah kept asking, "are we flying yet."  Or he would say, "have we launched yet?"  When the plane started moving, and then sat for awhile Ethan started asking about fuel and stuff.  His observation was that the plane was wasting a lot of fuel by sitting there.  And then he hoped that we didn't run out of fuel before we got to Seattle.  After take off Ethan started to comment on the next worst case scenario he had thought of.  I had grown tired of hearing of all the ways we could crash (I've thought about it enough myself) that I didn't need to hear any more of his ideas.  He said, "well I guess the worst that can happen now is...."  I held up my hand and said (firmly) "STOP!"  He did.  The flight was pretty smooth, not too much turbulence at all. 

After a year in Fort Worth, TX, Seattle is more beautiful than I remembered.  I love the mountains and trees!  It is also sunny and clear, but not too hot which is wonderful!  Yesterday we picked some blackberries along the driveway.  We saw two snakes.  The first one scared me, a lot.  I hadn't seen it and probably got pretty close to pick some berries.  The boys ran over to me and then the snake slithered away...I screamed and ran the opposite direction.  A little later the boys found another sitting in the sun.  They got too close and it slithered away too.  They thought it was "cool."  After dinner the boys fed the goats.  Junior, the big boy goat, does not seem to like Josiah.  He kept butting his horns against the gate whenever Josiah came close.  Bad Junior. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Homeschool - Part 2

Curriculum.  The very word is overwhelming when you start looking at all the options available now for homeschool.  Last year I ordered from one publisher (Abeka) and used it exclusively for both boys.  This year I new we needed something different so I spent months (literally) looking at different publishers.  I talked with other homeschool moms to see what had worked for them and what they liked.  I read reviews where ever I could find them.  It was a lot of time and energy, but I didn't want to invest in something and then be miserable working through it all year. 

Here is what I am using with Ethan this year for 3rd grade.
  • Math:  Math U See  (So far so good.)
  • Grammar/Writing:  BJU Press English - so far we are LOVING this.
  • Spelling:  Word Building Paces by School of Tomorrow (okay)
  • Literature/Creative Writing:  School of Tomorrow Paces (not really impressed, but we'll try it for a few more weeks.)
  • Science:  Switched on Schoolhouse (haven't started yet)
  • History:  Abeka as an outline but I will supplement with extra readings and projects.
  • Bible:  Exploring Genesis (so far so good.)
  • Reading list:  created a list of books for him to read based on Sonlight's curriculum 
And for Josiah for 1st grade:
  • English: School of Tomorrow Paces (like it)
  • Spelling: Word Building Paces by School of Tomorrow (great) - Josiah finished the first one in just over a week and took his test and did great.  He was so excited to complete something already.  
  • Math:  Math U See (so far so good.)
  • Bible:  BJU Bible Truths (A Father's Care) - LOVE it!
  • Science/History/Health - will use Abeka and supplement with making lap and story books.  He loves making books and projects so that will make those subjects fun...haven't started those yet.
For some reason, I didn't come across BJU press until after I'd already purchased most of their other materials.  I wish I'd come across it sooner!  We are loving both the English (for Ethan) and Bible (for Josiah). 

As far as cost I bought a lot of the books used (but in good condition) from Ebay.  Math U See cost about $130 total for both boys.  I won't have to buy the blocks again ($40) and I'll be able to reuse a lot of Ethan's material for Josiah when he gets there.  School of Tomorrow Paces cost the most (comparatively) since I bought them at a book fair - total was about $120 (I did buy some of Ethan's Paces on ebay).  Abeka books for both boys were used and total was $24 for Ethan's history set and Josiah's 3 books.   Switched on Schoolhouse was around $60 from CBD.  BJU Bible Truths lesson book and teachers guide was $22 off ebay.  Ethan's BJU English workbook was $18 from Mardel and the teachers guide was $8 from Ebay.  So overall, the cost was less than what I paid last year for the complete sets from Abeka.  I love Ebay for this kind of stuff.  

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Homeschool - Part 1

I have had a few people ask me about our homeschooling so I thought I'd blog about it.  Our decision to homeschool was a hard one, especially because I felt I was being "forced" into it.  I wasn't really, but it was overwhelming because so many things in our life were changing at the time.  Another difficulty was that I always imagined I would go back to work when the kids were both in school.  My plans were not God's plans in that area.   Now that we have a year behind us I can say honestly that I'm glad we homeschool and I can't really imagine doing anything else (at this time anyway). 
Casey and I made the decision that I would be a stay at home mom while I was still pregnant with Ethan.  At the time is seemed like an easy decision.  We moved when I was 7 months pregnant and getting a job at that time was not really high on my list.  It was a little tough at times.  Casey had one permanent part-time ministry position and then had several other part-time jobs to make up the difference.  The ministry position eventually turned into full-time.  Now, almost 9 years later we are again at a part-time ministry position, other part-time jobs on the side and attending seminary!  And, I'm still a stay at home mom, except now I homeschool too. 
So, I guess I just want to say that you have to be committed to what you believe.  We made the decision for me to be a stay at home mom and raise our kids.  If you didn't, I'm not getting on you, I'm just saying that if you want it, you have to be willing to make some sacrifices (like the big house, new phones, cars, etc.).   It's not easy, but you CAN do it if it's what God has laid on your heart.  Okay, I'll stop there before I get myself into trouble.
So, back to homeschool.  We believe our first responsibility toward our children is to love them and train them to love and obey God.  So, for us, sending them to public school just does not fit into that equation anywhere.  We don't see public school kids being taught that.  So, do I "shelter" my children?  ABSOLUTELY!!!  That's my job, to protect their hearts and minds until they are ready and have the maturity to hear and talk about certain things.  Okay, enough said. 
I guess that covers our thoughts on why we homeschool.  Next I'll post on our curriculum and then how we homeschool. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Josiah's Birthday

Yesterday was my baby's 6th birthday.  It is hard to believe that 6 years have gone by since his birth!  For some reason his special day came before we were ready for it, so we didn't plan a party or anything too exciting.  We did go out for an IHOP breakfast.  After that we went to the pet store in the mall looked at all the sweet little puppies, which we can't have.  We did however, let Josiah pick out a beta fish.  He was SO HAPPY!  All the way back to the car he kept saying over and over, "I have a pet now."  He's wanted a pet for a long time!   A couple of weeks ago we found a little lizard in the apartment and he was so upset that I wouldn't let him keep it as a pet.  Then, there was a beetle, and then a caterpillar, and the cricket.  So, I think a fish is a good thing!  And, the name of our newest addition is "Fishy."

At home he opened his presents from his grandparents and from one of our friends who had a little something for him.  We spent the afternoon at home just resting and playing games.  We were going to go downtown for the Barnum and Bailey circus elephant parade in the evening, but Josiah was looking really tired.  By the end of the day it was pretty obvious he was coming down with a cold or something.  So, we stayed was 102 out so it wasn't too much of a disappointment to stay inside.  We ordered pizza and salad from dominoes and then played some video games "as a family," which meant I had to play too.  They draw me in by playing a couple of round of Tetris (which I can win) and then move onto the other games in which I have no talent.  It was fun though. 

In less than 2 weeks now the boys and I will be in Washington!  I'm really looking forward to seeing all our family and friends there, but I'm also really looking forward to driving through the mountains and cooler weather.  August is, let's be totally honest, miserable in Texas!  August 1st was 104 degrees and it's been over 100 every day since.  At 9 am this morning it is 90 degrees but with the heat index (humidity) it feels like 99 degrees! 

Casey's first day of class is next Tuesday.  We paid his tuition last week and it always feels like a punch to the gut.  Ouch!  Hopefully, he will get some of it back in scholarship money.  I started a little school with the boys on Monday.  It went well.  We will just do part-time for the next week and while we are traveling.