Saturday, April 24, 2010

When things don't go as planned...

I guess that it is part of life that things will not always go according to our own plans. For instance, right now I am supposed to be at a Beth Moore simulcast event with some ladies from our church. The boys are supposed to be having a fun day with dad, but dad is in bed and Ethan is having an albuterol treatment. So, what in the world is going on?
It started Thursday. Ethan has been fighting a little cold and started wheezing pretty bad in the afternoon. Thankfully, we were able to get him into the campus physician before they closed and got a prescription for what he needed (albuterol). Our plan was to go to the concert at the seminary that Casey was singing in, but the boys and I stayed home instead.
On Friday, Josiah was a little bit stuffy sounding, but Ethan was doing lots better. I was starting to feel the cold coming on too with a sore throat and runny nose too. But, I had Saturday to look forward to...Beth Moore simulcast...but more exciting, a day away from being mom. So, I thought lots of rest (ie. give the housekeeper the day off) and fluids would do the trick and I wouldn't have to miss a thing. Casey had a concert in north Dallas area following the long day of classes and work. So, I got the kids to bed early and headed that way myself around 9:30 pm, still looking forward to my Saturday. Casey called at 10:30ish to let me know that they were just leaving and would be home in about an hour. That's when it all went CRAZY! I got off the phone with Casey and was heading back to bed when I heard this loud barking sound coming from the boys room. Josiah was having trouble breathing and was just struggling for every breath following the awful cough. He was panicking...I was panicking...his lips were turning purple. It was scary! I brought him down stairs and tried to get him to relax, but it continued. I called my neighbor (she's a nurse) and asked if I should give him albuterol. They were on their way home, but she said yes. The treatment helped a lot...mostly to calm him down I think. He relaxed and was feeling better. Casey got home around 11:45 and we took Josiah to the ER, Ethan went next door with our neighbors.
So, we reach the ER around midnight...we leave the ER at 5:30 am. Yes, 5 1/2 hours at the ER. We spent 2 1/2 hours in the waiting area and the other 3 hours in the hospital room. Josiah was so much better that it seemed like a waste of time, but it had scared me so much that it was good to have him checked. Turns out he had a case of croupe. They gave him some steriods and sent us on our way. Oh, did I mention the copay was $150? Yikes!
So, we got home, got Ethan and Josiah to bed and by 6 am I was finally in bed for the night. I woke up in time that I could have made it to the event today (started at 9), but I feel pretty miserable now. The cold that I was fighting might be winning the battle.
The good news? Josiah woke up feeling great, so did Ethan; we have great friends and neighbors here at Seminary; I get more rest today; the housekeeper (in case your wondering, that's me) gets another sick day today; because Ethan had some wheezing on Thursday, Josiah had some medicine that helped him when we needed it on Friday; the sun is shining; I know my God sees me and knows me and He will provide what I need.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring fever!

I think I have it...Springitus or Spring Fever...I am counting down the days till we are done with school! It has been a really good (and hard) year of homeschool and I am finding myself looking for other "options" for next year. I know (because of our location) that public school is not an option, so that leaves private school or homeschool. Our budget does not really leave room for private school these days, so.... I'm trying not to move faster than the Lord on this, but I am really wanting to take some classes at the Seminary too. I think that might be the main cause of the "restlessness" that I'm feeling at home...or maybe it's the 900 square feet of living space??? Well, we'll see how God leads and I'll be patient and wait for His timing.

Speaking of Spring, we took the boys to their first Mariner's (or Rangers) baseball game. It was a good time, though Josiah watched everything but the game. Some friends joined us and Ethan talked his ear off (thanks again Rob!) And, we had to have the discussion with Ethan on why we will not be going to Hooters! (He played a Hooters Wingo game (Bingo) and that was all fine until on the way home he said (as if it were a perfectly normal thing) "Look, there's a Hooters right there.") And of course he wanted to know why, exactly, we wouldn't be going there! "How do you know, have you been there?" Without going into a whole lot of details we just had to end it with, "can you please trust that we want what is best for you?"

Last week I made it to the gym 6 out of 7 days...impressive, yes! I took Sunday off and even made it back again to start this week off. Is it just me or is that elliptical machine a little addictive? So, to date it has been about 12 weeks with NO sugar!!! Yay! The only "artificial" sugar that I've not been able to eliminate is that in my occasional diet coke...or my weekly starbucks skinny vanilla latte.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Resurrection Day!

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. Casey did not have classes on Friday so we decided to take a trip to Dallas and visit First Baptist Dallas for their Good Friday noon service. It's a church we wanted to visit. It is right in the heart of down town Dallas...which is kind of crazy to get to if you are not familiar with the area...and it is a huge church. It was good though. On the way home we made a few stops and did a little shopping at Costco.
On Saturday I took the boys up to our church for the Easter Eggstravanganza that is held there. There was a petting zoo, face painting, balloon animals, about 10 bounce things and lots and lots of eggs...and kids! I think I heard that there was around 1600 kids. Josiah did his eggs in the 10:30 slot and Ethan during the 11:00 slot. We had lots of fun. The weather was terrific and after we got back home the boys went straight out to play with friends and didn't come back in until I made them at bedtime.
Sunday was kind of normal for us as far as getting up early and getting to church. I took the boys to Denny's for breakfast while Casey was doing his rehearsals. We had lots and lots of visitors at church and both services were pretty full. After church we went to a friends house with some others and had a yummy smoked brisket for lunch. It was nice to relax and visit with friends.
Because He lives!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Spring!

Well, I think Spring has officially arrived in Texas! We've enjoyed beautiful weather in the 70's-80's all week. It supposed to be a little stormy on Friday and then clear and warm for the rest of the weekend.
So, here is the recap of the last week, since it's been a while since I've posted anything. Last Friday was Casey's birthday. To celebrate he took us to see Disney on Ice in Dallas. Okay, it was my idea, we were going to go on another night with some friends, just me and the boys, but couldn't get tickets for that night. So, since it was his birthday night I asked him if he'd like to do it and he was very agreeable. We parked down town and then rode the train which has a stop right at the venue where the event was, so that was fun. We enjoyed the show too...most of it anyway!
We arrived home late and tired and noticed that Ethan was not feeling well. Sure enough, he had a fever when we got him to bed. He spent the next day (Saturday) laying around and resting with a low-grade fever and sore throat. Josiah and I went over to the seminary on Saturday morning where they were hosting an Easter Egg hunt for the seminary families. There were four "special" eggs hidden among the hundreds/thousands of eggs...and Josiah found one of them! He got a special Easter basket with some candy and a big red truck in it. He also enjoyed some bounce houses and a little train ride and playing with some friends.
Last Sunday we stayed home from church - (bummer!) - because Ethan was still a little on the not feeling well side of things. They laid around all day and I spent the entire afternoon planning out the last (hopefully) eight weeks of school work! I did get to go to the last evening of the Bible study that I had been was good.
Monday found Ethan doing a bit better. He stayed in bed most of the morning and I was able to get a ton of housework done. I'm amazed at how much I got done having one kid in bed who was also not hungry. He perked up in the afternoon enough to do a little school work. He knew that we were grilling out with our neighbors for her birthday, and he didn't want to miss anything, so I got him to do a little school work if he wanted to be able to go outside.
Nothing to eventful the rest of this week. Casey is super busy with classes and work, but is doing well. We have a fun weekend ahead so I will post on that later.