Thursday, May 20, 2010

He's not a rock star...

Yesterday I was watching a few neighbor kids for their mom while she was packing and finishing up cleaning for their move. Their oldest is a girl who is about 61/2 years old. She was really fascinated with Casey's guitars so I told her she could touch them gently and listen to the strings. She asked why we had so many guitars, a question I have often asked as well. I told her that they all belonged to Casey and that he played. She asked again why they were different and just some more general questions. Next she asked what we did with all those guitars (there were three sitting in stands and another guitar shell without the strings). Josiah had an answer for her which was so funny I wish I had a video recording of it. Here's how it played out:

A: What do you do with all those guitars?
Josiah: Well, my dad plays them. He's not a rock star, but he plays them all.
A: A rock star?
Josiah: No, he's not a rock star kind of player. But, he is a cheer leader.
Me: Daddy's not a rock star?
Josiah: Well, not really a rock star, just the cheer leader kind.
Me: (trying not to laugh to hard) Josiah, what's daddy do?
Josiah: (very seriously) He's a cheer leader.
Me: (laughing hard) Josiah, do you mean a worship leader?
Josiah: Oh yeah, a worship leader. But that's not really a rock star right?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This is Good...

On Sunday our pastor started a new series based on the book of Ecclesiastes. He challenged us to find three "This is Good" (TIG) moments each day. Far too often we "live" for the weekend or something for the future, rather than looking at the good that God gives us each and every day. It has been a great reminder to stop and thank God through out the day for all of the good things.
Today at breakfast I had several TIG moments when I looked around the breakfast table. First, Ethan has his nose in a book, while he was eating. I love that he loves to read...TIG! Second, all four of us were at the table for breakfast this morning. It doesn't happen to often, so it was another TIG moment. The third, I fixed what my boys requested for breakfast (and what they request every day)...oatmeal! I cooked up the oats on the stove and then added their requested "fixins." Ethan had his with a little raw honey and dates. Josiah chose raw honey and prunes. As we sat there I thought, well at least they start of the day on the right track! My kids love dates and prunes and oatmeal! TIG!
And, Casey is taking his last final today...TIG!