Friday, October 29, 2010

I don't get Halloween

Well, this might get me into trouble, but I don't think I can keep it in any longer, so here it goes. 
I don't get Halloween.  Well, let me rephrase that.  I don't get why Christians celebrate Halloween.  Please, someone, explain to me why Christians celebrate Halloween?  I asked Casey the other day, "Are we just super-conservative, weird, Jesus-freak type people for not participating?"  Most probably think we are.  I guess that's okay with me, but I really do want to understand why the those who love God think that it is just another fun day.  And, maybe more, why do churches have harvest parties and such and encourage it?  I've been told that it is to create a "safe" alternative for kids.  If we need a "safe" alternative then shouldn't that be the first hint that it's not a good thing? 

Now, I'm not getting into all the history of the day, because in modern day it's pretty irrelevant.  What is  currently celebrated in America on this day?  Ghosts, witches, vampires, blood, gore, darkness and death is what I see around me as we get closer and closer to the day.  A little trip to any retail place will reveal that. So why celebrate that?

I don't have a problem with kids dressing up and being cute.  Mine have a bucket of super hero costumes that they like to wear occasionally.  I don't have a problem with candy (once in awhile).  I don't have a problem with games and having fun.  I DO have a problem when the Church doesn't look any different from the world.  I guess mostly I just find it frustrating because I don't have an answer.  And maybe because I just don't get it...and yes, I think most things are black and white, so that's probably part of it.

And, just in case I haven't mentioned it lately, I love you dear, sweet friends (and family) regardless of whether or not you celebrate Halloween with your families. 

"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Phil. 4:8

Friday, October 22, 2010


I really love books.  I think my kids love books too.  Can you guess the one place they ask to go every week?  Yep, the library!  Well McDonalds too, but I try to ignore that one.  We try to make a weekly trip to our public library and every Sunday we stop by the church library and get more books.  I love that Ethan loves to read.  In fact, he's a lot like me.  Once he starts a book he hates to stop.  We've had to make rules for reading because we love it so much.  The first rule is no books in the bathroom.  I think that is pretty self explanatory.  The next rule is no reading while eating.  I can't tell you the number of times we'd be sitting at the table eating only to realize that a certain boy had his nose in a book. 
My reading rule (for myself) is no fiction.  At least not while school is in session.  I can really lose myself in a good story, so it's just best for me to limit my fiction. So here's what I'm reading right now:
  • The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer - I'm not necessarily following a classical model to our homeschool but there is a lot a like about classical education.  It's been a great resource.
  • In Step with God by Charles Stanley - I'm just getting into this one, but I think it's going to be good.  In the introduction he says his prayer is that we'd pray as Moses prayed in Ex. 33:13, "Let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight."  It really is my desire to know God, not just about Him.  
  • The Rewards of Simplicity by Pam and Chuck Pierce - some great principles but not exactly what I thought it would be.  I do like how they define simplicity on page 37.  "The purpose of simplicity is not to prune away those things that bring us joy and enrich our lives.  Instead, the purpose of simplicity is to streamline our lives in such a way that we have more room, time and energy for the pursuits and people that God ordains for us."
  • Wild at Heart by John Eldredge -  I just read through this book a month or two ago and want to go through it again.  It was really good.
What are you reading right now?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Creep crawly

We saw this little guy on the sidewalk outside our door last week so I thought I'd post the little video I took.  This is probably just a baby because we've been told they've seen much bigger ones around here.  I did not come off the porch and Ethan kept a safe distance. 

School today

We've had a great week of school.  The best one so far!  I told the boys if they finished their work well today we could do a little drawing project.  Art is NOT my thing, so it is always a special treat when we do art.  I checked out a book from the library on how to do things.  One of the sections is on drawing different things.  The lesson we chose for today was how to build a rocket ship.  It was fun to go through and give them step by step instructions on drawing it and then I let them color it and do whatever background they wanted.  It is fun to see their different personalities come out in the drawing. 
Here they are starting the coloring phase.

Ethan working on his details.  I think he is drawing the asteroid belt here.
Josiah always has his tongue out when he's working hard.
Josiah's completed page.

Oh James!

I am reading in the book of James right now.  It is probably my least favorite in the New Testament.  It's a great little letter, but it's hard.  It starts off with, "count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience."  There is really nothing exciting about trials and testing, even if it does produce patience.  Can't I just have patience without going through the trial?  Ah, no.  It just doesn't work that way!  Thankfully patience isn't even the end result.  Because, honestly, I would rather choose no trials which would lead to no learning patience.  However, there is a blessing in acquiring patience, and that's what I want.  The next verse says, "But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."  Wow, that's what I want, to lack nothing.  I know it's not physical stuff that I lack, but what we call the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.  They don't just happen.  I am purified, refined and made more complete when I go through trials and look to God for everything.  By His grace, our trials are not in vain, but an opportunity for us to grow in completeness.  It's a hard thing, but the end result is worth it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

First weekend of October

It is pretty cool how the first weekend of October actually feels like fall is here.  The temps dropped to 70's with cool breezes.  So nice. 

Casey had vacation this past week and weekend so once we got passed the school week we actually were able to do something fun.  On Friday we had the weekly grill out with our neighbors.  It is such a great time to just sit out, eat, visit, relax.  I love it.  Saturday we slept in and then went to the Museum of Science and History in Fort Worth.  It was so great!  We just spent a few hours and did about 1/2 the museum.  A few months ago a family member sent us some money for the boys for home school stuff, so one of the things I used it for was passes to the museum.  I know we are going to use it and love it for special field trips.  Next time I will remember to take my camera!

Sunday we decided we wanted to sleep in again (Casey really needs all the extra he can get with his late nights).  We hadn't visited Travis Avenue, so we thought we'd go there for worship on Sunday morning.  It is just up the road from us.  During the invitation time the pastor asked just for a few moments of silent prayer.  At the end of that he said something about God moving and working around us.  So, right after church Ethan says to me, "Mom, he wasn't kidding about God moving because my legs had just started to tingle when he said that."  Ethan is always so serious when he talks about things like that and it sounded so funny.  Casey and Josiah went to use the restroom and so Ethan and I were waiting in the foyer where the pastor was greeting people.  Ethan asked if we could meet him so I always prep him by telling him what would be appropriate to say, etc.  (You wouldn't believe some of the things he's said when he's asked to talk to someone.)  Ethan asked if he could tell him about his legs tingling.  I said that maybe we could start by introducing ourselves and telling him we enjoyed the service. 

Sunday evening Casey took the boys up to our church for their kids choir practice.  It was a nice little break for me.  So, what did I do?  I started on cleaning the boys room.  Started is the key word.  I think it will take the rest of the week to finish what I started.  Let's just say that they like to keep EVERYTHING!  Thankfully we are all feeling better, though not quite at 100% yet.