Monday, February 20, 2012


I went to bed with a headache...even worse, I woke up with the same headache, just a little worser.  I know "worser" is not a word, but I have a headache, so I can make up words if I want.  I think it's allergy related...go figure.  North Texas and allergies go together like PB & J.  I'd rather have PB & J. 

Also, my house is a mess.  I know that's not really news worthy...but, it's bugging me, so I'm sharing it.  It's one of those kind of days. 

So, I'm going to post a few photos from the fall that I like, turn up some praise music on pandora radio, finish my Bible study lesson, do some laundry, sweep and mop the kitchen, make lunch, clean kitchen again, do some more laundry, and get dinner going and hopefully get the boys school work done too.  We'll see how it goes. 

While I'm doing that, you can enjoy these pictures. :>)

Josiah in a pile of leaves we raked.

Me and Jo on our date to see "Annie."  My date was supposed to be my husband, but Ethan was sick so Casey stayed home and let me go out. - Dec. 2011

Yay!  A microscope!!!!  Ethan - Christmas 2011

The boys and their new cameras.  I'll post some of their pics soon.  Christmas 2011.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I love my husband!

Disclaimer: it may be mushy, so if you don't want to hear the mushy stuff stop reading now.

I adore my husband.  God truly blessed me and gave me the most incredible man for a husband.  He is SO handsome, too.  Sometimes I wonder how I was so lucky to get this guy...but then I remember that it isn't luck, but God's goodness and gift to me. 

He's not perfect.  I live with him, so I know this very well.  I'm not either and never will be, so we're even.  But he loves me.  He loves his kids.  He loves God.  I'm good with that.

February has been a rough month (not in our marriage, but in life).  Mostly because I started the month off with a cold, which turned into a sinus infection, not too mention hormones and the lot.  So, last week Casey came home from work with the cutest little stuffed animal puppy dog for me AND, a couple of little lego sets for the boys.  I just cried (hormones).  I was so touched because he knew I was having a rough time (with life + my issues).  Now, the man is at a disadvantage because he can't bring home flowers, even though I love them, they don't love me.  Thanks to my allergies, flowers are a no.  And, goodness knows I don't need a box of chocolates. 

So, Valentine's day has always been a little tricky.  Not too mention that we are usually financially challenged.  I was really not expecting anything, but he surprised me again by bringing me home a mocha from starbucks.  It doesn't count as chocolate, because it's coffee.  Coffee is always good.  And, he brought the boys a Muppets movie.   We were all happy.  Especially after the boys presented him with his gift...a box of chocolates!  His metabolism can handle it...and he shares. :>) 

A little while later Casey brings me another gift.  Seasons 1 and 2 of Psych!!!!!  I really love that show, it's hilarious.  AND, he has some sort of surprise planned for me (us) on Friday night.  I have no idea what it is, but I don't care.  I'm just so thrilled with my husband for going out of his way to show me love.  He is truly the greatest gift. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tooth Fairy vs. God

Josiah had a loose tooth that I pulled out tonight.  It's only his second, but I've had to pull them both out because he refuses to do it himself AND it makes him eat his food weird AND it hurts when he eats.  So, really, I'm doing him a favor.  So tonight, I pulled it out.  He wasn't happy about it until it was out.  Then he was so excited.  "Yay, my tooth fell out!"  Um, hello, I had to PULL it out...  Anyway, he said, "Just in time for bed."  I said, "So you think the tooth fairy will bring you some money?"  He looks at me and rolls his eyes and with a sigh, "Mom, you know the tooth fairy isn't real."  Now, I'm not going to lie to my children and insist they believe something that is not true.  So, I asked him what happens since there is not a Tooth Fairy.  He looks at me with all seriousness and says, "That's just how God made teeth."  I needed to clarify with him that he thinks it's God who turns the tooth that is put under the pillow into money.  Yep, that's what he's thinking.  So, know what?  I giggled a little about that and we told Casey about Josiah's thoughts on the matter.  Casey said something like, "Well, dentists think teeth turn to money too."  Or something along those lines.  That's all Josiah needed to hear.  "Yep, it's 2 to 1, Mom," which obviously means the discussion is closed. 

I guess I'll have to come clean.  I hope he's not disappointed when he finds out that it's not God who turns teeth into money, but just Mom.  He's such a sweet kid and he's always doing something to crack us up!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Forever Families - Adoption

Here is a new picture of Rose Myrtha!  She is at God's Littlest Angels in Haiti.  You can read more about GLA by clicking on their tab under the "Blogs I follow" section. 

We received the terrific news that she and her older sister have been matched with a family for adoption!  Praise the Lord!  Of course, it will still be several months before the family is united so we will continue to pray for her and her new family.  I'm not sure why such "happy" news always makes me cry...but it does!  

And, our good friends just got back from Ethiopia where they met their daughter face to face for the first time.  You can check out their story under the "By Our Love" title listed under the "Blogs I follow" section of my blog.  Hopefully she will be able to come home soon.