Friday, July 3, 2009

It's July!

Well, here we are in July already. On July 1st we signed with our back-up buyer. Our first buyer did not seem able to get a loan, at least not in the time frame we were waiting for. The back up buyer looks much stronger and is working with a local lender/bank which should speed things up quite a bit. It looks like we are on track to close before our "departure" date of July 28th.

On July 4th we will be moving into a friends house to take care of it and their dog while they are on a month long mission trip to Haiti. It will be nice to have another place to live and stuff to use so that we can finish up our packing and get everything loaded up. We will be making our move to Texas in a truck and travel trailer, so if it doesn't's not going! The hardest part is deciding what we can fit (and want to take) and what needs to find a new home. It was so nice to have a friend come over the other day to help me pack and tell me what to do! All the decisions that need to be made, regardless of the significance, tend to get overwhelming at times. But, we are moving forward and every day I find myself more eager to go.

1 comment:

  1. The sorting/downsizing process is killer! I hope the housesitting goes well. I heard Jon is going to house-sit for a week too-so be sure to leave all the cleaning for him;)

    Will be praying!
