Saturday, January 23, 2010

We have had some wonderfully terrific weather this past week. Most days were between 60 and 70 degrees! Love it! Last night we grilled out with some of our friends at the seminary. It was a little strange to be sitting outside eating in January! But we love it and so enjoy the company and fellowship with our friends. I think the boys get just as excited (if not more so) that we do.
This morning we were up EARLY to get ready for basketball. We had to be at the church by 7:40 am for their 8:00 am game... thankfully there aren't too many of those. Unfortunately, Casey pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve or something between his neck and shoulder blades. He's not been very comfy, that's for sure. But, he is so good and doesn't even complain much...just groans and grunts when ever he moves. :>) He also got a hair cut today.
Oh, back to basketball. The boys are doing better every week. Ethan made some good passes and dribbled a bit today and did a really good job on defense. Josiah threw the ball in a couple of times...which just made his day. But the real treat was in the last 10 seconds a team mate passed (handed) the ball to him and he took off dribbling! He went towards the wrong basket...but that was ok. The buzzer went off signaling the end of the game and he turned around and was just beaming! He said, "Mom, did you see me dribble!" It was precious.
We ran a few errands in the afternoon including a trip to the library, so we spent most of the afternoon reading. It was nice. The boys were in bed by 7:30 pm and it's almost 9:00 pm and I think I'm heading that way too. Sundays come early so I need to get good sleep so I'm not too cranky in the morning!

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