Monday, December 5, 2011


Well, I seem to have a little chest cold.  Thankfully, it's not so bad that I'm miserable, but just a little annoying.  Throat irritation and man voice a great combination.  I don't think Casey is nearly as impressed with my man voice as I am.  I think it sounds great, but then I do like basses a lot. :>)

Now, Ethan on the other hand, is really sick.  I don't know what he has, other than calling it a stomach virus or something.  It started Friday morning.  (Caution: this could easily fall under TMI -too much information - consider yourself warned)  He came into our room and said, "I just threw up." (aka #4)  I'm mostly still asleep so I ask if he made it to the toilet, yes he did.  Do you feel better? - yes, he does.  Okay then, go back to bed.  I know, I'm not so compassionate or nurturing when you wake me up in the early morning hours.  Well, the rest of the day he's got some serious #3 going on.  (That's our code for diarrhea - just fyi).  Saturday, it's the same, lots of #3.  Sunday morning we found him asleep on the bath mat by the toilet.  He had gotten up to use the bathroom and decided he might as well stay close.  Casey put him back to bed and he slept until about 10am.  Most of Sunday afternoon he was good.  I thought we were over the worst.  He sipped his water, ate applesauce, toast and banana.  Well, 2 am this morning I heard "the sound."  The sound of someone running down the hallway in a mad dash to the toilet...and then the noises that followed.  Ewwwww!  I fly out of bed, thinking it must be Josiah, because Ethan was feeling better.  Nope.  And, I couldn't quite make it out of my bedroom without some fancy footwork, because that's as far as he made it.  Yep, #4.  (Don't you love the bodily functions code?)  So, while Ethan is hanging out by the toilet with #4 and #3 - yes the double whammy, I get the carpet cleaner ready and start cleaning the 2 am.  Poor Ethan.  So, here's the thing, no fever or anything, just a lot of #3, with now 2 occasions of #4.    

Praying that he is better today and that no one else comes down with this mystery bug.  There's nothing like a little #4 to make me wish we could just bleach bomb the house.

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