Sunday, December 4, 2011

Downtown and Science Fair

Saturday evening after Thanksgiving we met our friends downtown for dinner.  We ate at Cantina Laredo...yum!  After catching up and visiting and eating we headed over to Barnes and Noble.  A trip downtown is just not complete until we've stopped there for the after dinner coffee from Starbucks and a leisurely stroll through the children's section.  Our friends are in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia.  She is beautiful (7 mo. old).  We can't wait to meet her!  We enjoyed looking through all the books we used to read to the boys when they were little.  Favorites like, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? and Goodnight Moon.  A little trip down memory lane for us. 

Downtown is all decorated for Christmas and Josiah was enthralled with the giant ornament that changed colors. 

December 1st the homeschool co-op that we are a part of held it's first ever Science Fair.  Along with the science exhibits was an expo featuring some of the work the kids have done in their classes.  I was not really excited about doing a project, but the boys were.  Ethan knew right away that he wanted to do something on the solar system.  He read and studied the planets for about a month!  He knows his planets!  Josiah just could not decide.  The only thing he wanted to do was something that exploded, but not a volcano! Ha!  So, for this year, we opted to have him help Ethan.  Really, he just did some coloring for the poster and I think he painted Mars, but other than that it was mostly Ethan. 
Here's the finished product.   Really proud of Ethan and the great job he did with his project. 

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