Saturday, December 18, 2010

making a difference

Tomorrow is our last Sunday at North Fort Worth.  I'm both excited and sad.  Excited that we are moving on to something new.  Excited that we've heard from God and know this is the direction He wants us to go.  Excited to meet new people and form new relationships.  Excited to "start over" yet again. 

Sad that we will be saying "goodbye" to some.  Sad that we didn't connect better with others...hence the goodbye.  Sad that I don't really think we made a difference...well, let me say that I didn't make a difference in any one's life in the year we were there.  Maybe I did...I don't know.... I guess in my own retrospect thinking  I'm asking myself "where did I make a difference?"  I'm leaving NFW having met lots of nice people.  However, I'm (honestly) only leaving with one or two (maybe three) relationships that I think will last beyond our time there.  Of course, there is faceook now where all of our faux relationships can exist.....okay, maybe I'm feeling a little cynical tonight.   I guess the one thing that has surprised me the most is that more people from the traditional service have talked to us about our leaving than those in the contemporary (the service that Casey's led for the last 14 months.)  So, maybe it is just a reflection on our generation that we are very poor at relating to one another.  That's something to think about anyway....

I will take away some great things from our time there though, like Ethan's baptism and teaching the 1st graders in VBS and the friendships that were made. 


  1. I'm sorry this has been hard. It is amazing to think that you have been there for 14 months. Does Casey have a new position, and is the new church closer to the seminary? So many questions. Wish I were there to hug you and love on you. Just know that you will be forever loved by me. :-)

  2. Love you Kim! We've really had a good experience at the church, but really struggled to connect with people. I'll email you the details of how God has led us to this new place.

  3. Bud & I would like to see Ethan's baptism...we're sad that he didn't get to do it before you moved & we moved. :/ Do you have it on video???

    Praying for you as you work through this & begin somewhere new. Be careful that you allow yourself proper grieving time. It is (speaking from personal experience.) easy to not deal with issues from a previous church, as you are enamored with the new and exciting opportunities. You don't realize it till later, it taints the new... and trust me, it comes back to bite you in the *ss. hehe... :) LOVE you! :)
