Thursday, September 22, 2011


Somehow I blinked and we are more than half-way through September already.  Do you ever feel like you are just in constant motion from one thing to the next...almost mindless?  I guess I'm feeling a little bit like that lately.
Today we stayed home. ALL day.  Maybe the first in a long while anyway.  They had Thursday school today (a co-op we joined where they can take a few classes) but we skipped.  We are just getting worn down.  Poor Ethan is having a difficult time with allergies too.  I thought I hear lots of protesting when I told them we were going to stay home today from school, but Ethan just shrugged his shoulders and said, "okay with me."  Yep, staying home was the right move!  That kid never wants to miss anything.

Last wee we had TEAM IMPACT at our church for a revival/evangelistic event.  I'm not sure what we were supposed to call it.  Anyway, they are this big muscle guys who break and bend and tear all sorts of things.  They were awesome to watch, but even more awesome to hear.  Their love of the Lord and seeing people saved is evident.  It was a great week.

On one of the nights Casey and I had the opportunity to lead Josiah to the Lord.  I had a feeling he was getting close, but am so thankful that we got to be the ones to lead him.  Precious.  The night before he had needed some discipline.  As we talked, I asked him some of those faith questions to see where he was.  He told me what sin was, admitted that he was a sinner, knew he couldn't go to heaven without asking for forgiveness.  So far so good.  Then I asked him if he wanted to ask God to forgive him.  NOPE.  I let it go and we got ready to come home.  So, the next night when one of the Team Impact guys was giving the "invitation" Josiah was actually paying attention and raised his hand.  Casey talked with him and realized he didn't really understand why he was raising his hand.  But, Casey just shared with him some more and then I asked him the same questions I had the night before.  Kind of holding my breath on the last one.  But then, his little chin started to quiver and he said he wanted to pray and ask God to forgive him and let Jesus be his Lord.    I was still a just a little uncertain if it was genuine until the next morning.  He came up to me with a smile a mile wide.  I mentioned that he looked very happy and Ethan said, "I don't know why he's smiling so much this morning."  Josiah looked at Ethan like he was nuts and said, "Don't you remember I accepted Christ last night?"  Ah.  Music to my ears.   He will be baptized this Sunday!

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