Sunday morning we were up bright and early...well, early but not necessarily bright! 5:00 am came quickly! Casey had to be at North Fort Worth Baptist Church (that's a mouthful) by 7:20 am and it is about a 20 minute drive and we only have one we all had to be up and ready early. Thankfully we made it out the door without any problems and the freeway traffic was pretty light that early on a Sunday morning. We dropped Casey off and then me and the boys drove around a bit waiting to catch the sunrise. There was a Denny's near by so I took the boys there for breakfast, which really made their day!
NFWBC has two services, one at 9:30 and the other at 10:45. The first is a traditional service and the second is the contemporary service. I took the boys to their Bible study class for the 9:30 hour and then went to the traditional service with Casey. I really enjoyed it. It has been a LONG time since I've sang that many hymns and listened to the piano and organ. All the music was really well done (the pianist and violinist are both professionals). After the service I went to get the boys so the could attend the next service with me because that was the one that Casey was leading. The church is big, so by the time I got both the boys, with potty breaks we had already missed the first song and greeting time.
Casey and the praise team did a great job! The music minister played piano, then there were 4 female vocalist, drums, electric and bass guitars and Casey sang and played his acoustic. It sounded great. I think there is also a sax player, but I can't remember if he was there on Sunday. Anyway, the worship went really well and the music minister said they would get back with Casey on Tuesday.
We had some lunch out and then came home and rested for awhile. For dinner we cooked out with our friends/neighbors (3 other couples) and then had a neat time of sharing prayer requests with one another. We came in about 9:30 and Casey had missed a call from the Music Minister. The short of it was that the pastor wanted to meet with Casey Monday (today) during lunch since he (Pastor) was going to be on campus. The meeting went well and Casey was hired! I don't know all the details yet, but he will be working 20 hours a week. His primary responsibility will be leading the contemporary worship service Sunday mornings. So, once again, God is good and His timing is PERFECT!
The pictures above are the sunrise on Sunday morning and a picture of the South end of the church where the worship center is.